ImagemapCDWARE applet
multi-threaded and double-buffered for your safety and convenience!

ImagemapCDWARE varies from ImagemapPLUS in that the ANIMATION parameters require two more numbers in the frame() field. These represent the width and height of the frames which may now be different than the width and height of the triggering area. (See below for details).
The version now available supports the URLFILE parameter (see below)
This applet implements an imagemap that, in addition to basic hotlinks, allows for animations, sounds, and external information windows to be spawned.

To use the applet one must download ImagemapCDWARE.class code and place it in the same directory as the .html document in which the applet is to appear. NOTE: you will also need to download the following three classes which may also be found in the public ftp directory: TimerThread.class, SoundThread.class, and AnimThread.class.

Following is a list of all the parameter options which are currently applicable. Note that the 'name=' of the parameter as typed into the HTML document SHOULD BE CAPTILIZED... it is not necessary to capitalize the 'value' attributes. There are two types of parameters used in ImagemapCDWARE: the area parameters and other parameters. Note that all delimiters are the '|' symbol.

area parameters

Area parameters come in four different types (URL, ANIMATION, SOUND, and INFO), each with its own specifications. In addition to the basic name, one should append a number to the name (e.g.: SOUND0, ANIMATION4, etc). The first of a type should always be type0... the second of that type would be type1... and so forth. Areas may overlay in any combination with lower enumerations having precedence.

name = URL#
value = x | y | w | h | url

Alternately, ImagemapCDWARE applet allows you to 'point' to an existing NCSA .map file. This can save you the trouble of having to put in all the URL# parameters above. Only 'rect' areas are supported (and 'default'). Simply use:

param name=URLFILE value=filename-with-directory-path

Note that URL# and URLFILE parameters are exclusive... you may not use both (the URLFILE will take priority).

value = trigger | x | y | w | h | frame(fw|fh|file|x0|y0|x1|y1|..|..) | pause(v0|v1|..) | position(x0|y0|x1|y1|..)

name = SOUND#
value = trigger | x | y | w | h | file

name = INFO#
value = " trigger | x | y | w | h | window title | window message "

other parameters

These are the more basic parameters.

BGCOLOR indicates a background color to paint behind any back or foreground images which may have transparency. The value should be three numbers value=r|g|b from 0-255 indicating the RGB value of the background.

BACKGROUND's value is an image (with directory path) which will appear under any frames of animation.

FOREGROUND's value is an image (with directory path) which will appear above any frames of animation.

All of these 'other' parameters are optional.

special keys

Any time the mouse is inside the applet window, you may type certain pre-defined keys to do certain actions:

comments & notes

A few things I'll say to try to head of FAQs (tho e-mail is encouraged).
  1. DO NOT ask me about targeting Netscape Frames. I will get around to it when I feel like it. I personally abhor the use of frames, but a lot of requests have been made in the past, so I'll put it on my list.
  2. Transparent frames of animation will look goofy since old frames are not automatically cleared. I will work around that eventually.

-- Comments and suggestions are welcome:, address Eric Harshbarger
The ImagemapCDWARE applet may be used freely by anyone. Neither Sun Microsystems' nor Eric C. Harshbarger is responsible for any problems resulting from the malfunction or misuse of this applet.

© Copyright 1996, Sun Microsystems